The Catholic Action of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa and the Association of Catholic Journalists protested vociferously against an advertising campaign that promotes atheism.
"I don't kill, I don't steal, I don't believe"
"He that believeth not, is not alone"
These two slogans have been used in an advertising campaign funded by the Freedom from Religion Foundation and by the Polish Association of Rationalists, which has been spread in the Polish city of Lublin in October. However, the atheists' claim about their own morality, together with a reference to the existence of an association of non-believers, has been considered offensive by the two Catholic groups.
"The posters that appeared in our city go directly against the Catholic Church and the Christian Doctrine. And it all takes place in a free and democratic society", reads a statement of the two organizations:
"In Poland, the Decalogue has been hit: the most sacred thing for believers, as well as the foundation of human morality. The invasion of the modern atheists into the holiness of God's law crosses the boundaries of freedom of religion, and therefore must be at least called by its name: vandalism"
Claiming of not stealing nor killing, and in doing so to be unbelievers, is therefore considered an offense to believers, as it "hits" the Decalogue; with this act of vandalism, the atheists «invade the law of God.» Any use of religious references is a violation of freedom of religion, for these people. The mere existence of people who think differently from them - who even dare to be moral without having to resort to the alleged "holy law of God" - is a threat that must be suppressed.
Ironically, the page of the news agency Zenit that reported this news indicates as related article the following: "Pilgrims to the Pope in defense of freedom and pluralism of the media in Poland"; that is, Polish Catholics are fighting for the freedom of the media, but they want to censor the free expression of others. As they say, "chiagni e fotti"...
Don Mariusz Frukacz, "Proteste in Polonia contro la campagna a favore dell'ateismo," Zenit, November 8, 2012.
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